The Illusion of Separation in the Twin Flame Journey

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If you are on your Twin Flame journey, you have probably, at some point, experienced separation from your beloved one.

This separation may manifest in various ways: they might have blocked you on social media or just plainly disappeared from your life.

When that happens, it is natural to start wondering what have you done wrong and why they have seemingly abandoned you?

The truth is that they disappeared or ghosted you because you are trying to escape your own life and its duties, joys, and responsibilities. They are only mirroring what you are already doing with your own life.

You thought being with your Twin Flame would save you from the painful reality you are experiencing.

Your Twin Flame can only become a part of your life when you realise you are responsible for your own feelings, work, life purpose, healthy family connections, and friendships.

In a nutshell, you have to realize you are responsible for your own life.

It is important to understand that being with your Twin Flame is not a means to escape your own life. 

Your Twin Flame won’t make you happy if you are not happy now, he won’t save you if you are not already saved.

Both of you must approach the relationship from a place of wholeness. Only then can you reunite.

The other day I saw one interesting question in a Twin Flame group I am a member of.

The question was how can we easiest describe the illusion of separation.

I answered that question that that illusion is when you can’t see what is in front of your eyes.

It is when you can’t see your true Twin Flame and acknowledge you already have a relationship with them.

It is when you realize all the upsets you were experiencing in that relationship were merely illusions.

Your Twin Flame never abandoned you, they never ignored you, they never hurt you.

Separation is when you can’t see the truth of it.

You only experience painful upsets because you keep believing in a lie.

It is crucial to confront these illusions, heal from them, and embrace the truth.

You are set free for a real and divine relationship with your true Twin Flame.

Are you ready to break free from the illusion of separation and embrace the truth that awaits you?

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