Do you have a daily routine?

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Do you have a daily routine, or are you planning to implement it in your life?

I ask that because I noticed that, usually, when we have lots of free time, we don’t use it very wisely.
Currently, I am at the seaside with a very loose schedule.

I have all the time in the world that I can spend on doing tasks I would postpone when working full-time.
However, I noticed one thing: when you have a tight schedule, it seems like you accomplish more than when you have lots of free time.

I remember when I was in elementary school, I almost did not have time to breathe between my activities.
However, I managed to balance all my tasks and duties with even having enough time to pursue my hobbies and little enjoyment.

But, still, I think that today’s school or working hours from 9-17 don’t suit many people.
Many students dislike waking up early to go to school, spending their whole day there only to go home to do their homework until the cycle repeats.

It’s even worse in the working world: I read somewhere that around 85% of the workforce hates their jobs.
A large portion of that would, I assume, belong to having to dedicate almost the whole day to work itself.
More so, the problem is that people operate like a machine instead of working or learning from a place of inspiration or taking inspired action.

It’s also hard to combine family life with your career.
I would ask myself how women with kids balance their careers with caring for their children.
My former work colleague told me it’s all about your schedule.

It’s all about time management, or in other words, about how you organize your time.
Looking back on my growing up and heading to school, I see how much of what we learned was meant to be applied to our adulthoods, even after school was over.

One of that is setting time to make our daily schedules.
When you don’t have a set up schedule, much of your time goes wasted on aimless activities. (And I am the first one who is guilty of spending time unwisely).

I have noticed that I feel bad when I don’t create anything throughout the day.
We, humans, made in the image of God, our Creator, are meant to be creating: some of us with our hands, some with our minds.

One of the biggest problems people have today is wondering through life with no goals on their horizon.
Some of us think that when you have goals, you lose your freedom to spend your time however you like.
However, only a lucky few are genuinely in charge of their time.

Many people would like to own businesses because they think they’d have lots of free time.
Or because they could work from their homes if they set up an online business which is so common today.

In the time of COVID- pandemic, workers enjoyed working from home. Should that be the norm? Are workers potentially more productive when working from a workplace or their residence?
Are most people capable of setting up a schedule unconstrained by their working hours or bosses?
I dislike having the same schedule every day in terms of getting up at the same time (when the alarm rings), taking the same route to my work, having a break at the usual time, or going to bed when I have to so I can get up early because of work.

That feels almost like I am a machine instead of a human being.
The antidote to that robotic schedule that most of us submit to, is having a day you could organize for yourself.
For most of humankind today, those days are only weekends when they are tired from the days on which they worked.

Since I desire to work only for myself (and God- my true boss), I need to combine elements of being dedicated to work when inspired and rest when needed.

In an ideal world, that would be possible for anyone.

But today, only a few of us are brave enough to say no to something that does not work for us!

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